Membership suspensions

At Lords, we want to make it as convenient as possible for you to make changes to your membership, so that you can save time filling out paperwork and get back to keeping fit and healthy!

Suspension information

Planning a holiday? Suffered an injury and need to take a break from the gym? We're happy to grant suspensions on 12 month fixed term and all direct debit memberships. Please note that all suspensions must be requested a minimum of five days prior to the intended leave and cannot be applied retrospectively.

You can easily suspend your membership through your online member portal by clicking here. The suspension will be inclusive of the days you select on this screen.

If you have any enquiries or would like to suspend your membership for medical reasons, please fill out the membership suspension form and email to

Suspension Instructions

  1. Login to your Lords Customer Portal Account
  2. Click your name and head to 'My Membership" OR click 
  3. Click "Suspend Membership"
  4. Choose your dates and click "suspend"

Terms and Conditions

Current terms and conditions, including cancellation rules, are detailed here for direct debit memberships and here for fixed term memberships.