School Holiday Program

Lords has you covered for every school holiday, keeping your kids energised and entertained. Our program focuses on developing confidence, co-ordination and teamwork all while emphasising the importance of keeping active and having fun.

The program is facilitated by experienced, qualified and passionate program leaders with a focus on childhood learning and engaging all kids to have the best time possible.

Enrol below

When is it?

Each day runs from 8:30am to 3:00pm. With additional late pick up option from 3:00pm to 5:00pm.

We'll keep this page updated with our upcoming programs. We hope to see you here for the Summer school holidays!

Who is it for?

  • Children from 6 years to 11 years old
  • Parents are not required to stay within the Centre during the program.

What do we bring?

  • Morning tea & lunch from home (Nut free zone)
  • Closed in shoes for court games
  • Goggles, bathers and a towel for a swim in the pool - we swim every day.

Additional Information

  • Children must be dropped off at the start of the program and picked up directly after from the squash walkway. Follow the sign or our lovely reception staff can guide you. 
  • Parents are not required to stay within the centre during the program.

Keep an eye out for our July 2024 program coming soon.

Let's keep in touch!

Looking to learn more? We'll keep you updated as soon as registrations open, so you don't miss out.

Other school holiday activities

There are also other external providers running school holiday activities at Lords, including: