Lords Spotlight | Jess and Pam
Introducing Jess and Pam!
If you have visited the Lords Crèche, you are bound to have come across one or both of these lovely ladies. Between Jess and Pam, they have spent roughly 17 years, combined, working in the Lords Crèche and we are so grateful to have them here. Jess even came back to Lords after a short hiatus because she missed it so much!
Pam’s favourite thing about working in the Lords Crèche is the cuddles with the babies and Jess adores working with kids and getting to know their families. The ladies’ top kids TV show at the moment is Bluey, and Jess says, “After years of Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig with my own 3 children, Bluey is a nice change and it's actually quite funny!”
"I really feel like I'm part of their family"
Some of the fondest memories Jess has from the Lords Crèche are "...the friendships formed with the other staff, meeting all the wonderful families over the years and watching their children grow.” And on a similar note, some of Pam’s favourite memories are, “Watching the kids grow up. We have them from just eight weeks old and I really feel like I’m part of their family.”
“The Crèche allows parents and grandparents to make time for themselves, where they can look after their health, or even just have a hot cup of coffee or tea!” Pam said. Jess has seen the positive impact of the Crèche, in the way that, “…parents have the option of a Crèche. It's not easy leaving your little ones sometimes, so to know they aren't far from you and are being cared for while you’re getting some time to yourself makes it a bit easier. Lords has a great family and community feel and so does the creche.”
As we know, kids are always full of inspiration, and one of the funniest things Pam recalls from her time in the Crèche is, “One Christmas, the kids hoped that I would get a tiger from Santa! They assured me it would be cute and that it wouldn’t eat me!” Jess said, “…One that I always remember is a little boy a few years back said to me ‘After Crèche when mum is really, really, sweaty she is getting us an icy pole to cool down’ – It was very cute.”
We asked Jess and Pam what they think makes Lords such a unique place. Jess said, “Definitely the community feel. It's one big family and of course the amazing Crèche! I have so many people pop their head in and tell me they use to bring their kids to the Crèche over 20 years ago. I think that's really amazing that they’re still apart of the Lords’ family after all those years.”
Pam thinks that “Lords is a one-stop-shop for all ages and offers something for everyone. We really are the community centre for Subiaco!”
If you are ever in the centre with your little ones, make sure you pop into the Crèche and say hi to Jess and Pam. Your kids will be in the best hands while you attend a class, hit the gym, or even just relax with a coffee. We are so lucky to have such beautiful ladies looking after the next Lords generation!